Unicard News
Results of our Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021
Our Net Promoter Score for 2021 is 50, up from 37 in 2020
September 30th 2021 by Unicard

We are very pleased to announce the results of our annual customer satisfaction survey. We asked just under 100 customers to feed back on our performance using the Net Promoter Score methodology. We are delighted to announce that our score this year is 50, which is classed as “great”. This is a noticeable improvement on last year’s score of 37 and well above the industry average for B2B software (30). We work hard to ensure our service stands out amongst our peers; “Customer focus” is one of our core company values and we are proud that this result reflects the work that everyone at Unicard puts in every day to keep our customers happy, add value, and deliver quality outcomes. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey, and we look forward to making sure that our 2022 score is even higher.